

Computer Education Curriculum (grades 4-6)
Language Arts Curriculum (K-6)
Math Curriculum (K-6)
Science Curriculum (K-6)
Social Studies Curriculum (K-6)

Standards and Benchmarks:


First Grade:

Second Grade:

Third Grade:

Fourth Grade:

Fifth Grade:

Sixth Grade:

Discovery Education Assessments

The Discovery Education Assessments are given to students in grades 2-6 three times during the school year. They are given twice to first graders.

These tests measure student ability in various sub skills of reading and mathematics. However, the scores presented in this table are overall scores and individual sub skill scores are not included.

The student scores are categorized into four levels of achievement: advanced, proficient, nearing proficiency, and beginning. The scores in each list represent the score of a student as a percentage of correct items on the assessment.

The proficiency levels are marked and color coded: the turquoise colored scores are rated as advanced, the non-colored scores are proficient, the yellow scores are rated as nearing proficiency, and the red scores are beginning level scores.

These tests are used by the school district to help predict performance on the New Mexico Standards Based Assessment given in April. Throughout the year, as teachers receive these scores, they form tutoring groups to aid student improvement in these subjects.

If you have any questions about these tests, or would like to review your child's performance on any of the tests, please contact the office at (575) 395-2840, or contact your child's teacher.


(Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills)

NMSBA - State Comparison

Compares Jal Students to the students in the state of New Mexico

Read Naturally Stats

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