
Students visit the library once a week with their class to listen to a story, practice library skills, and check out books.

Borrowing Books From the Library:

Books may be checked out by all students and staff at Jal Elementary School. There are also materials that parents may check out. All students and staff are assigned a patron number to check out books. Kindergarten through Sixth grade is assigned a day and time once a week that they come to library to check out and return books. Books may be checked out for a one week period, at which point the book can then be renewed for another week. All books are due back in the library by the due date stamped in the book.

  • Grades K-2 may check out ONE book at a time.
  • 3rd grade may check out TWO books.
  • Grades 4-6 may check out THREE books.


Responsibility of Borrowing Books:

When you borrow books from the library, you agree to take care of library materials so that they will be in good shape for the next user. It is your responsibility to return books on time.

Overdue notices are sent home periodically. While there is no fine for overdue books, if a book is lost or damaged it must be paid for. Students who owe money to the library risk losing the privilege of borrowing more materials and will not receive their final report card. The replacement cost of the book is quoted on the overdue notice. Please pay with exact cash or with a check made out to Jal Elementary School. The payment will be refunded if a lost book is found and returned during the current school year.

Returning Materials to the Library:

When the library is open, you should return materials to the circulation desk. Please check materials to make sure that you have not left anything important in books and the items are the ones that you checked out and do not belong to another library or teacher.

Accelerated Reader:

Books in the library are color coded on the spine to indicate the books reading level. AR labels are located on the spine. The label indicates the exact level and how many points can be earned.

Book Fair:

Every year the library holds a Scholastic Book Fair where students and parents can come and purchase books at the library. An informational flyer is sent home with students the week before the event.


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